Laser Lipo

Are you searching for a way to remove stubborn fat without a highly-invasive technique? Summer and the team at Berkeley Body Sculpting in Goldsboro, NC offer laser lipo and other fat reduction options.

Common Questions About Laser Lipo

Even those who diet and exercise regularly can find themselves stuck with stubborn pockets of fat. And when you are working hard to get in shape, those pockets can be disheartening. You don’t have to give up, though. Learn how laser lipo provided at Berkeley Body Sculpting in Goldsboro, NC can help below.

What Is Laser Lipo and How Does It Work?

Laser lipo is a minimally invasive procedure that uses laser energy to liquefy fat cells beneath the skin, which is then removed by suction through tiny incisions. The technique stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, which help tighten the skin around the treatment area.

How Much Fat Can This Procedure Remove?

Some lose up to 11 pounds from a targeted area, but it’s important to understand that results vary. Some people don’t want to lose quite that much or have that much in one area to lose.

Is It a Safe Procedure?

It is generally a safe procedure, as long as you choose a provider who is properly trained. However, if you are pregnant or have certain diseases or medical conditions, such as heart disease and blood clots, you should avoid laser lipo. The team will ensure the procedure is safe for you through consultation and assessment.

Where Can Laser Lipo Be Used?

Laser lipo can be used on most areas that carry stubborn fat. These include the abdomen, upper arms, thighs, hips, love handles, neck, chin, buttocks, and around the bra area.

Are the Results Permanent?

That depends greatly on you. The fat cells that are removed are gone, but that doesn’t mean new ones will not form. It’s great for those who are already working to get fit or who are committed to living a healthy lifestyle after the procedure. However, without making any necessary changes to your diet and activity level, you can expect to face the same stubborn fat down the line.

Want to learn if you’re a good candidate for laser lipo? Call (919) 920-5758 to schedule a consultation with Summer at Berkeley Body Sculpting in Goldsboro, NC today.

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